Mackenzie Huntley

Mackenzie is the healthy living adventurer behind @mackenziehuntley, residing in the PNW. Mackenzie thrives on spending time in nature, cooking nourishing meals, and exploring Washington’s vast mountains. Her passions include hiking, camping, backpacking, skiing, and embarking on adventures with her fiancé, all while promoting a holistic lifestyle. A staunch advocate for living freely, Mackenzie believes in investing time in activities that bring happiness. She prioritizes how she fuels her body and uses her social media platform to inspire her audience with her passion for nutrition, movement, and outdoor adventures. Mackenzie encourages others to embrace a similar approach to life, making the most of their time on earth.


I am dedicated to empowering women to embrace their innate strength and beauty through a holistic journey of nourishment, movement, and mindset mastery and the outdoors! I believe that by cultivating a deep connection to wholesome, nutrient dense food, joyful movement, and empowering mind-body practices, every woman can unlock her full potential and radiate confidence, vitality, and HAPPINESS. My mission is to create a supportive community where women uplift and inspire each other to embrace self-love, wellness, and personal growth while making the shifts to become the happiest version of themselves!
